Measure The Calories You Burned Running Each Mile

calories burned running per mile

Running offers excellent cardiovascular benefits and requires minimal equipment, making it a popular choice for fitness enthusiasts. The number of calories burned during a run varies depending on factors like speed and weight. For example, a 120-pound individual may burn about 114 calories per mile at a 10-minute pace, while a 180-pound person could burn around 170 calories.

Despite its calorie-burning potential, accurately estimating caloric expenditure during running is essential. Factors like body weight, terrain, and incline affect calorie burn rates. Understanding these variables helps in tracking and optimizing your workouts.

As per the American Council on Exercise1, running becomes a more successful calorie burner than other common sports such as weight training, swimming, cycling, or uphill skiing. However, it’s crucial to consider individual factors when determining caloric expenditure during runs, ensuring a more precise assessment of your fitness efforts.

Calories Burned Running Per Mile

Calories burned per mile vary depending on individual factors, with a general estimate of approximately 100 calories per mile, as noted by Dr. Daniel V. However, this number fluctuates based on body weight, making it a significant factor to consider.

You (Weight in pounds)Calorie Burn per Minute 

According to the above chart, a 120-pound person can burn about 11.4 calories per minute while running, suggested by the American Council. Thus, if you maintain a 10-minute mile pace, you’ll burn approximately 114 calories. Conversely, a 180-pound runner burns approximately 17 calories per minute, resulting in a calorie burn of around 170 for the same 10-minute mile.

Related: How We Can Run More Miles?

Fitaffins experts emphasize that this calorie burn rate remains relatively consistent regardless of running speed. For example, to achieve a 400-kcal burnup in 60 minutes, you should run for 4 miles at a 15-minute-mile speed. Alternatively, achieving the same calorie burn in 30 minutes requires running four miles at a brisk 7-minute-30-second pace.

While weight predominantly influences calories burned during a run due to the increased energy required to move a larger body, it’s crucial to note that intensity also impacts post-exercise calorie expenditure. The more intense the exercise, the higher the post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which continues to burn calories even after the run ends.

Maintaining a balanced diet is equally important, as excess calorie intake can easily negate the calories burned during a run. For those aiming to lose weight, creating a caloric deficit by burning 500 to 1,000 more calories than they consume per day on average is recommended.

Why Running is Good for You?

running is good for health because we can burn calories by running per miles

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2 (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity per week to maintain health. Running, depending on your pace and fitness level, can fall into the high-intensity category.

Apart from burning calories and helping maintain a healthy weight, running and other forms of exercise offer numerous health benefits:

  • Running promotes better circulation and heart function, which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Running, as a weight-bearing exercise, helps maintain bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It stimulates bone growth, particularly in the lower body, improving overall bone health over time.

How to Start Running

How to Start Running to burn calories per mile

If you’re new to running, it’s essential to gradually introduce your body to the activity. Before embarking on any exercise regimen, consult your doctor, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Investing in the right footwear is crucial to preventing injuries while running. Unlike regular shoes, running shoes are specifically designed to offer adequate support and alleviate foot and knee pain during runs. With various shoe styles available, consider trying different brands to find the perfect fit. Some specialty running stores even offer treadmill testing to ensure optimal shoe selection.

Your doctor or a certified trainer can provide guidance on selecting the most suitable running shoes based on your individual needs and foot structure.

Once equipped with proper footwear, it’s time to initiate your training. A recommended approach is to start with brisk walking and gradually incorporate running intervals into your routine.

For instance, begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, followed by short jogging intervals of 45 seconds, repeated several times. Gradually increasing the duration of running intervals with each workout will enhance your endurance, eventually enabling you to complete a long run.

Calculating Personal Calorie Burn

calculate calories burned by running per mile

Determining the precise number of calories burned during a mile run can be challenging, but wearable fitness trackers like Fitbit offer accurate estimations. These devices track metrics such as heart rate and distance covered, enabling them to calculate calorie expenditure.

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By inputting your height and weight into the device, it utilizes this information to make a personalized calorie burn calculation. Additionally, many fitness trackers allow users to store their fitness data, facilitating progress tracking and goal setting.

Maximize Your Calorie Burn

If you are seeking to maximize your calorie burn, incorporating strength training alongside cardio workouts can be highly beneficial. Exercises such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises like push-ups help build muscle mass, contributing to increased calorie expenditure.

Circuit training, which combines cardio and strength exercises in rapid succession, offers a potent calorie-burning strategy. For instance, alternating between sprints and sets of push-ups within the same workout session can elicit a greater calorie burn. This phenomenon, known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), results in continued calorie burn post-workout.

By integrating these strategies into your running routine, you can enhance calorie burn, optimize fitness gains, and progress towards your health and wellness goals effectively.

Calories Burned Doing Other Cardio Activities

Participating in various cardiovascular (cardio) activities strengthens the heart and lungs, contributing to overall health and well-being. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio exercises per week, equivalent to 30 minutes per day, five days a week.

If you are weighing around 154 pounds, here’s an estimate of the calories burned during 30 minutes of various moderate cardio activities:

  • Bicycling (less than 10 miles per hour): Riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace burns approximately 145 calories. To increase intensity, consider biking on inclines or rough terrain.
  • Dancing: Enjoying a dance session for 30 minutes can burn around 165 calories. Whether it’s salsa, hip-hop, or ballroom dancing, the rhythmic movements engage multiple muscle groups and elevate the heart rate.
  • Golfing: A round of golf, including walking and swinging clubs, can burn approximately 165 calories in 30 minutes. While golf is a low-impact activity, walking the course and carrying clubs can provide moderate exercise.
  • Hiking: Exploring nature trails or hiking through scenic landscapes burns approximately 185 calories in 30 minutes. The uneven terrain and elevation changes engage various muscle groups and offer a refreshing outdoor experience.
  • Light gardening or yard work: Tending to your garden or performing light yard work can burn around 165 calories in 30 minutes. Activities like weeding, planting, and mowing the lawn provide a moderate workout while enhancing your outdoor space.
  • Light weightlifting: Engaging in light weightlifting exercises, such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder presses, burns approximately 110 calories in 30 minutes. While not as intense as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), light weightlifting helps build strength and endurance.
  • Stretching: Spending 30 minutes on stretching exercises burns around 90 calories. Stretching improves flexibility, reduces muscle tension, and enhances overall mobility, making it an essential component of any fitness routine.
  • Walking (about 3.5 miles per hour): Walking at a brisk pace of approximately 3.5 miles per hour burns about 140 calories in 30 minutes. Incorporating walking into your daily routine is an accessible and effective way to boost cardiovascular health and calorie expenditure.

Related: Ready, Set, Walk! Build Your Stamina

Related: How Fast Do You Walk? Unveiling the Average Speed

My Thoughts

While running serves as an effective means to burn calories, it’s essential to recognize that individual calorie expenditure may fluctuate over time as fitness levels improve and the body becomes more efficient. As you progress in your running journey, you may notice changes in your calorie numbers, reflecting your enhanced cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

However, if weight loss remains your primary objective, it’s crucial to address potential plateaus that may arise along the way. Introducing elements like speedwork, hill workouts, or longer distances can elevate your calorie burn and break through stagnant phases in your weight loss journey. By diversifying your running routine, you not only enhance calorie expenditure but also alleviate monotony and prevent burnout, fostering a sustainable approach to fitness and weight management.

Ultimately, running offers a versatile and accessible pathway to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and a resilient physique. By embracing variety in your workouts and adapting to the evolving demands of your body, running can serve as a lifelong strategy for optimal health and well-being.

  1. American Council on Exercise ↩︎
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ↩︎

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